As education could be a long road, the adult student has to be prepared to cover their expenses during their time of study. It could necessitate obtaining part time employment when they are not working, a spouse going back to work, taking on extra hours at a current job or even cutting out some unnecessary expenses.
Returning to formal education can be a challenge for one who has not been in the classroom for several years. They must get used to the routines of being in the classroom, budget time for homework and studying for tests. Their families have to allow them quiet time to study and the student has to make sure they are not taking on too many hours at work.
In assisting many adult learners in the past, they have struggled to balance family obligations and the need to earn a salary with completing a degree.
Some suggestions for getting family on-board:
1) Clearly define for the path that you are taking. How the end result will not only be beneficial for you but for your whole family.
2) Create a ‘time budget’ with your family. This general structure would include the times you are available for family time/activities along with the time you are in school and must work.
3) Create an actual budget with your family. If you are working less or just paying additional tuition, resources will be tighter. Before the stress begins, speak with your family and explain your new financial situation while you are in school.
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